Another Reason to Lease an EV
A few months back we covered a very good reason to lease, rather than buy, an EV - the tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act extend to more vehicles when leasing than when purchasing (assuming the lessor passes along the value of the tax credit). But recent price reductions, led by Tesla, provide another great reason for consumers to consider leasing, instead of buying, an EV: when you lease you offload the market risk of the vehicle value being surprisingly reduced to the lessor. And when an OEM decides to reduce the price of their new models, as Tesla has done, that is going to lead to an unexpected, but significant, decline in the value of the models currently on the road, because it reduces demand for these used vehicles, that will maintain the usual gap between new car and used car prices for any given model. Furthermore, even if your EV isn't a Tesla, it's value may very...